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  Le rayon rouge

Roulis / Painting Acrylic / F30 / 400 USD


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Artist Information:
Name   : Muriel Cayet
Location: Les Bordes  
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Muriel Cayet

Auteur d'une quinzaine d'ouvrages - des nouvelles et des biographies de fiction- et specialiste des recits de vie, Muriel Cayet est aussi et avant-tout une art-therapeute. L'ecriture - sa priorite - a tout de meme cede la place il y a quelques annees en permettant a cette professionnelle de la formation et de la relation d'aide, de tester le role eminemment therapeutique de la creation, en l'occurrence de la creation picturale. Creer c'est aussi acceder a ses emotions et les reconnaitre comme siennes via la creation, la projection sur la toile, permettre la visualisation de ses sentiments dans l'?uvre et bien entendu la symbolisation. Developpement personnel, mieux-etre et pourquoi pas bien-etre grace a la creation ? La reponse est oui ! Ces toiles sont des creations instinctives, intuitives et privilegient une idee : la forme en train de se faire, le plaisir et le bonheur de l'expression, au moment de l'action. Miroir des emotions ? Sans aucun doute ! Author of about fifteen books - short stories and biographies of fiction - and also specialist in the accounts of life, Muriel Cayet is also and before-all a art-therapist. The writing - its priority - has made the place to the panting for a few years while allowing this professional formation and of the relation of assistance, to test the eminently therapeutic role of creation, in fact of pictorial creation. To create is also to reach its emotions and to recognize them like his via creation, projection on the fabric, to allow visualization of its feelings in work and of course symbolization. Personal development, greater comfort and why not happiness to creation? The answer is yes! These fabrics are instinctive, intuitive creations and privilege an idea: the shape being done, pleasure and happiness of the expression, at the moment of the action. Mirror of the emotions? Without any doubt!

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