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Leo Balzano

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Artist Information:
Name   : Leo Balzano
Location: Nashua NH 
  United States
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Leo Balzano

I am a Vietnam veteran with a Service Connected disability, Secondary Progressive (Multiple Sclerosis). As a self-taught 76 year old artist, my work is both a passion and a profound source of personal fulfillment. Aristotle is quoted as saying, "The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." Due to my slow but steady physical and cognitive impairments my art is spontaneous and intuitive, yielding uniquely imaginative explorations of color, composition, and line. Viewers will easily establish a tapestry of my psyche. The acrylic materials used in my work have become tools for my ventures into visual abstraction. It is my main desire to provide maximum aesthetic pleasure for my audience and to touch the soul with human emotions. It's a delicate balance between order and chaos, intention and intuition. My disability as a result of my Multiple Sclerosis has resulted in my sometimes inability to duplicate a particular artistic methodology developed by me in past work. Therefore, each work is an island of itself. My work has a soul with my efforts to put them down an absolute, visual experience. I create colorful powerfully engaging, abstract works that suggest a kind of kaleidoscopic stream of consciousness. The overall effect is of layered immediacies-quick moments of insight emerging from perhaps an even more variant, yet firm, intuition about color, gesture, and juxtaposition of form. If art is the stored honey of the human soul then my abstractions will give you the opportunity to share the passion of my work and share my emotional lock-in and disability. I continue to live in the moment in my domestic oasis.

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